Сочинение что я люблю делать в свободное время на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

In my free time, I enjoy doing a variety of activities. One of my favorite things to do is read. I love getting lost in a good book and immersing myself in a different world. I also enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it’s going for a hike or just taking a walk around my neighborhood. Being in nature helps me relax and clear my mind.

Another hobby of mine is cooking. I find it therapeutic to chop vegetables and experiment with different flavors and spices. Plus, it’s always satisfying to enjoy a delicious meal that I made myself. Lastly, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. Whether it’s going out to eat or just hanging out at home, I cherish the time I get to spend with the people I love.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

In my free time, I have a variety of hobbies and activities that I enjoy doing. One of my favorite things to do is read. I love getting lost in a good book and immersing myself in a different world. Whether it’s a classic novel or a new bestseller, I always have a book on hand. Reading helps me relax and escape from the stresses of everyday life.

Another hobby of mine is cooking. I find it therapeutic to chop vegetables and experiment with different flavors and spices. I enjoy trying out new recipes and putting my own spin on them. Plus, it’s always satisfying to enjoy a delicious meal that I made myself. Cooking also allows me to be creative and express myself in a different way.

In addition to reading and cooking, I also enjoy spending time outdoors. Whether it’s going for a hike or just taking a walk around my neighborhood, being in nature helps me relax and clear my mind. I love the feeling of fresh air on my face and the sound of birds chirping in the background. It’s a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the beauty of the world around me.

Lastly, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. Whether it’s going out to eat or just hanging out at home, I cherish the time I get to spend with the people I love. We often play board games or watch movies together, and it’s always a fun and relaxing time. I also enjoy traveling with my loved ones and exploring new places together.

In conclusion, I have a variety of hobbies and activities that I enjoy doing in my free time. Reading, cooking, spending time outdoors, and spending time with my friends and family are all things that bring me joy and help me relax. I believe it’s important to have hobbies and activities that we enjoy, as they help us recharge and improve our overall well-being.