Сочинение на английском как я провела пасху

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

I spent Easter with my family this year. We started the day by attending church and then went home to have a big breakfast together. My mom made pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and we all sat around the table chatting and enjoying each other’s company.

After breakfast, we dyed Easter eggs and hid them around the house for an Easter egg hunt. My little cousins had a blast searching for the eggs, and we all cheered them on as they found them.

For lunch, we had a big ham and mashed potatoes, and my aunt brought over a delicious carrot cake for dessert. We spent the rest of the day playing games and watching movies together.

Overall, it was a wonderful day spent with the people I love the most. I am grateful for the time we spent together and the memories we made.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

This year, I had a wonderful Easter spent with my family. We started the day by attending church, which was a beautiful service filled with music and prayer. It was a great way to start the day and set the tone for the rest of our celebrations.

After church, we went home and had a big breakfast together. My mom made pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and we all sat around the table chatting and catching up on each other’s lives. It was so nice to spend time with my family and enjoy a delicious meal together.

Next, we dyed Easter eggs and hid them around the house for an Easter egg hunt. My little cousins had a blast searching for the eggs, and we all cheered them on as they found them. It was so much fun to see their excitement and joy as they discovered each egg.

For lunch, we had a big ham and mashed potatoes, and my aunt brought over a delicious carrot cake for dessert. We all sat around the table and enjoyed the meal together, talking and laughing as we ate. It was a great time to catch up with each other and share stories from our lives.

After lunch, we spent the rest of the day playing games and watching movies together. We played board games and card games, and even had a family tournament of Mario Kart. It was so much fun to spend time together and enjoy each other’s company.

Overall, it was a wonderful day spent with the people I love the most. I am grateful for the time we spent together and the memories we made. Easter is always a special time for my family, and this year was no exception. I am already looking forward to next year’s celebrations.