Сочинение моя коллекция на английском 5

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

My Collection

I have a collection of various items that I have gathered over the years. My collection includes stamps, coins, and postcards from different countries. I started collecting stamps when I was in elementary school, and I have been adding to my collection ever since. I have stamps from all over the world, including rare ones that are hard to find.

I also have a collection of coins from different countries. I love the designs and the history behind each coin. Some of my coins are very old and have been passed down from my grandparents. I also have postcards from different places that I have visited. I like to collect postcards as a way to remember my travels.

My collection is very special to me, and I take great care of it. I keep my stamps and coins in special albums, and my postcards in a scrapbook. Whenever I add a new item to my collection, I feel a sense of excitement and accomplishment. I hope to continue adding to my collection for many years to come.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

My Collection of Treasures

I have always been fascinated by collecting things. Over the years, I have amassed a collection of various items that are very special to me. My collection includes stamps, coins, postcards, and other treasures that I have gathered from all over the world.

My stamp collection is one of my favorites. I started collecting stamps when I was in elementary school, and I have been adding to it ever since. I have stamps from all over the world, including rare ones that are hard to find. Each stamp tells a story and represents a different part of history. I love looking at my stamp collection and learning about the different countries and cultures that they represent.

My coin collection is also very special to me. I have coins from different countries, including some that are very old and have been passed down from my grandparents. Each coin has a unique design and represents a different part of history. I love the feeling of holding a piece of history in my hand.

In addition to stamps and coins, I also collect postcards from different places that I have visited. I like to collect postcards as a way to remember my travels. Each postcard has a picture of a different place, and I love looking at them and remembering the memories that I made while visiting those places.

My collection also includes other treasures that I have gathered over the years. I have seashells from different beaches, rocks from different mountains, and even a piece of the Berlin Wall that I got when I visited Germany. Each item in my collection has a special meaning to me, and I treasure them all.

Overall, my collection of treasures is very special to me. Each item represents a different part of history or a different memory, and I love looking at them and remembering the stories behind them. I hope to continue adding to my collection for many years to come.