Сочинение freeganism на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Freeganism is a lifestyle that involves reducing waste and consumption by salvaging discarded items and food. Freegans believe that the capitalist system is responsible for the overproduction and waste of goods, and they choose to live outside of it. They often dumpster dive for food and other items, and they also participate in community gardens and food swaps. Freegans also advocate for social and environmental justice, and they often participate in protests and activism. While freeganism may not be for everyone, it is a way for individuals to reduce their impact on the environment and live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Freeganism is a lifestyle that has gained popularity in recent years as a way to reduce waste and consumption. Freegans believe that the capitalist system is responsible for the overproduction and waste of goods, and they choose to live outside of it. They often dumpster dive for food and other items, and they also participate in community gardens and food swaps. Freegans also advocate for social and environmental justice, and they often participate in protests and activism.

One of the main principles of freeganism is reducing waste. Freegans believe that the amount of waste produced by the capitalist system is unsustainable and harmful to the environment. By salvaging discarded items and food, freegans are able to reduce their impact on the environment and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Dumpster diving is a common practice among freegans, and they are able to find perfectly good food and other items that have been thrown away by grocery stores and restaurants.

In addition to reducing waste, freegans also participate in community gardens and food swaps. These activities allow freegans to share resources and reduce their reliance on the capitalist system. Community gardens provide fresh produce for freegans, and food swaps allow them to trade items they have salvaged for other goods they need.

Freegans also advocate for social and environmental justice. They believe that the capitalist system is responsible for the exploitation of workers and the destruction of the environment. Freegans often participate in protests and activism to raise awareness about these issues and to push for change.

While freeganism may not be for everyone, it is a way for individuals to reduce their impact on the environment and live a more sustainable lifestyle. By salvaging discarded items and food, participating in community gardens and food swaps, and advocating for social and environmental justice, freegans are able to live outside of the capitalist system and create a more just and sustainable world.