Сочинение на тему день рождения на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

My birthday is one of my favorite days of the year. I always look forward to it because it’s a day when I get to celebrate with my family and friends. On my birthday, I usually wake up to a special breakfast that my mom makes for me. Then, I open my presents and cards from my loved ones. In the afternoon, we usually have a small party with my closest friends. We play games, eat cake, and have a lot of fun. In the evening, my family takes me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant. It’s always a great day filled with love, laughter, and happiness. I can’t wait for my next birthday!

Вариант 2(400 слов)

My birthday is a special day that I always look forward to. It’s a day when I get to celebrate with my family and friends and feel loved and appreciated. I usually start my birthday by waking up to a special breakfast that my mom makes for me. She always makes my favorite pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries. After breakfast, I open my presents and cards from my loved ones. I love seeing what they got me and reading their heartfelt messages.

In the afternoon, I usually have a small party with my closest friends. We play games, eat cake, and have a lot of fun. Last year, we had a pool party and it was so much fun. We swam, played water volleyball, and had a barbecue. It was a great way to spend my birthday with my friends.

In the evening, my family takes me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant. We usually go to an Italian restaurant because I love pasta. We order a lot of food and share it all. We also have a lot of laughs and talk about our favorite memories from the past year.

One of my favorite parts of my birthday is the cake. My mom always makes me a special cake that’s decorated with my favorite colors and flavors. Last year, she made me a chocolate cake with raspberry filling and it was delicious.

Overall, my birthday is a day filled with love, laughter, and happiness. It’s a day when I feel appreciated and loved by my family and friends. I can’t wait for my next birthday and all the fun memories that come with it.