Сочинение по английскому языку на тему осень

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Autumn is a beautiful season that comes after summer and before winter. It is a time when the leaves on the trees change color and fall to the ground. The weather becomes cooler, and people start wearing warmer clothes. The days become shorter, and the nights become longer.

One of the best things about autumn is the food. It is a time for pumpkin spice lattes, apple cider, and warm soups. People also enjoy going apple picking and making pies and other desserts with the fresh fruit.

Another great thing about autumn is the holidays. Halloween and Thanksgiving are both celebrated during this season. Halloween is a time for dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating. Thanksgiving is a time for gathering with family and friends and enjoying a big feast.

Overall, autumn is a wonderful season that brings many changes and opportunities for fun and celebration.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Autumn is a season of change. It is a time when the leaves on the trees change color and fall to the ground. The weather becomes cooler, and people start wearing warmer clothes. The days become shorter, and the nights become longer. It is a time of transition from the warmth and brightness of summer to the cold and darkness of winter.

One of the best things about autumn is the beauty of nature. The colors of the leaves are breathtaking, with shades of red, orange, and yellow. The crisp air and clear skies make for perfect hiking and outdoor activities. It is a time to appreciate the natural world and all its wonders.

Another great thing about autumn is the food. It is a time for pumpkin spice lattes, apple cider, and warm soups. People also enjoy going apple picking and making pies and other desserts with the fresh fruit. The harvest season brings an abundance of delicious and nutritious foods, such as squash, sweet potatoes, and cranberries.

Autumn is also a time for holidays and celebrations. Halloween is a beloved holiday that is celebrated by people of all ages. It is a time for dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating. Thanksgiving is another holiday that is celebrated during this season. It is a time for gathering with family and friends and enjoying a big feast. It is a time to reflect on all the things we are grateful for and to give thanks for the blessings in our lives.

In conclusion, autumn is a season of change, beauty, and celebration. It is a time to appreciate the natural world, enjoy delicious food, and spend time with loved ones. It is a time to embrace the changes that come with the passing of time and to look forward to the new opportunities that lie ahead.