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Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Last summer, my family and I decided to go on a holiday to a beautiful island in the Caribbean. We were all very excited and looking forward to a relaxing and enjoyable time. However, things did not go as planned. On the second day of our trip, a hurricane hit the island, and we were stuck in our hotel room for three days without electricity or water. The hotel staff did their best to keep us comfortable, but it was a very unpleasant experience. When the hurricane finally passed, we discovered that most of the island was destroyed, and there was no way to leave. We had to wait for a week until a rescue team arrived to take us back home. It was a disastrous holiday that we will never forget.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Last summer, my family and I decided to go on a holiday to a beautiful island in the Caribbean. We had been planning this trip for months, and we were all very excited and looking forward to a relaxing and enjoyable time. We had booked a luxurious hotel with a private beach, and we had planned to spend our days swimming, sunbathing, and exploring the island.

However, things did not go as planned. On the second day of our trip, a hurricane hit the island, and we were stuck in our hotel room for three days without electricity or water. The hotel staff did their best to keep us comfortable, but it was a very unpleasant experience. We had to eat canned food and drink warm water, and we could not leave our room because of the strong winds and heavy rain.

When the hurricane finally passed, we discovered that most of the island was destroyed. The beautiful beaches we had seen in the brochures were now covered in debris and seaweed. The roads were blocked, and there was no way to leave the island. We had to wait for a week until a rescue team arrived to take us back home.

During that week, we experienced many difficulties. We had to share a small room with our children, and we had to use a communal bathroom that was not very clean. We had to queue for hours to get food and water, and we had to sleep on uncomfortable beds. We were all very stressed and worried about our safety and our future.

When we finally arrived back home, we were exhausted and traumatized. We had lost all our belongings, and we had spent a lot of money on a holiday that turned out to be a disaster. We had to deal with the aftermath of the hurricane, such as insurance claims and repairs to our house. It was a disastrous holiday that we will never forget, and it taught us to be more careful and prepared when planning our future trips.