Сочинение на английском языке на тему моя мечта

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

My Dream

My dream is to become a successful writer. I have always been passionate about writing and expressing my thoughts through words. I want to write books that inspire people and make them think about life in a different way.

To achieve my dream, I am working hard to improve my writing skills. I read a lot of books and articles to learn new writing techniques and styles. I also attend writing workshops and seminars to get feedback on my work and learn from other writers.

I know that becoming a successful writer is not easy, but I am determined to make it happen. I believe that with hard work, dedication, and perseverance, I can achieve my dream and make a difference in the world through my writing.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

My Dream of Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur. I have always been fascinated by the idea of starting my own business and creating something that can make a difference in people’s lives. I want to build a company that provides innovative solutions to real-world problems and creates jobs for people.

To achieve my dream, I am working hard to develop my entrepreneurial skills. I am studying business management and entrepreneurship to learn about the different aspects of starting and running a successful business. I am also networking with other entrepreneurs and attending business conferences to gain insights and knowledge about the industry.

I know that becoming a successful entrepreneur is not easy, but I am determined to make it happen. I believe that with hard work, dedication, and perseverance, I can turn my dream into a reality. I am willing to take risks and face challenges to achieve my goals.

One of the biggest challenges I face is finding the right idea for my business. I am constantly brainstorming and researching to come up with innovative ideas that can solve real-world problems. I am also looking for opportunities to collaborate with other entrepreneurs and investors to bring my ideas to life.

Another challenge I face is raising capital for my business. I am exploring different funding options, such as venture capital, angel investors, and crowdfunding, to raise the necessary funds to start and grow my business.

Despite the challenges, I am confident that I can achieve my dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. I believe that my passion, creativity, and determination will help me overcome any obstacles that come my way. I am excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead.