Сочинение худшие каникулы на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Last summer, I had the worst vacation ever. I went to England with my family, but it was raining every day. We couldn’t do anything outside, and we were stuck in our hotel room most of the time. The hotel was terrible too. The beds were uncomfortable, and the food was awful. We tried to go sightseeing, but everything was so crowded and expensive. We even got lost in London and had to walk for hours in the rain. It was a disaster. I couldn’t wait to go back home. I learned that sometimes, even if you plan everything perfectly, things can still go wrong. I hope my next vacation will be better.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Last summer, I had the worst vacation of my life. My family and I decided to go to England, but it turned out to be a disaster. First of all, the weather was terrible. It was raining every day, and we couldn’t do anything outside. We had planned to go to the beach, but that was out of the question. We were stuck in our hotel room most of the time, watching TV and playing board games. It was boring and frustrating.

To make matters worse, the hotel we stayed in was terrible. The beds were uncomfortable, and the room was small and cramped. The food was awful too. We had to eat at the hotel restaurant because it was too rainy to go out, but the food was overpriced and tasteless. We tried to find other places to eat, but everything was so expensive. We ended up spending a lot of money on food that we didn’t even enjoy.

We tried to make the best of the situation by going sightseeing, but that was a disaster too. Everything was so crowded, and we had to wait in long lines to see anything. We went to the Tower of London, but it was so crowded that we couldn’t even see the Crown Jewels. We got lost in London too, and had to walk for hours in the rain. It was a nightmare.

By the end of the vacation, we were all exhausted and miserable. We couldn’t wait to go back home. I learned that sometimes, even if you plan everything perfectly, things can still go wrong. I also learned that it’s important to have a backup plan in case things don’t go as planned. I hope my next vacation will be better, but for now, I’m just glad to be home.