Сочинение чем я занимаюсь на карантине на английском языке

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

During the quarantine, I have been keeping myself busy with various activities. Firstly, I have been spending a lot of time reading books. I have always been an avid reader, but due to my busy schedule, I never got the chance to read as much as I wanted to. However, now that I have more free time, I have been able to catch up on my reading list.

Secondly, I have been trying out new recipes in the kitchen. Cooking has always been a passion of mine, and I have been using this time to experiment with different cuisines and ingredients. It has been a great way to keep myself occupied and also to learn new skills.

Lastly, I have been exercising regularly. With gyms closed, I have been doing home workouts and going for runs in my neighborhood. It has been a great way to stay active and healthy during this time.

Overall, I have been using this quarantine period to focus on my hobbies and interests, and it has been a great way to stay productive and positive.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

The quarantine period has been a challenging time for everyone, but I have been trying to make the most of it by keeping myself busy with various activities. Firstly, I have been spending a lot of time reading books. Reading has always been a passion of mine, but due to my busy schedule, I never got the chance to read as much as I wanted to. However, now that I have more free time, I have been able to catch up on my reading list. I have been reading a variety of genres, from classic literature to contemporary fiction, and it has been a great way to escape from the stress of the current situation.

Secondly, I have been trying out new recipes in the kitchen. Cooking has always been a passion of mine, and I have been using this time to experiment with different cuisines and ingredients. I have been trying out recipes from different parts of the world, such as Thai curries, Italian pasta dishes, and Indian curries. It has been a great way to keep myself occupied and also to learn new skills. I have also been sharing my creations with my family and friends, and it has been a great way to connect with them during this time.

In addition to reading and cooking, I have also been exercising regularly. With gyms closed, I have been doing home workouts and going for runs in my neighborhood. It has been a great way to stay active and healthy during this time. I have also been doing yoga and meditation to help manage my stress levels and improve my mental wellbeing.

Lastly, I have been using this time to learn new things. I have been taking online courses in subjects that interest me, such as psychology and creative writing. I have also been practicing my language skills by watching foreign films and TV shows and reading books in different languages. It has been a great way to keep my mind active and to expand my knowledge.

Overall, I have been using this quarantine period to focus on my hobbies and interests, and it has been a great way to stay productive and positive. While the situation is challenging, I have been trying to make the most of it by staying busy and learning new things.