Сочинение друг по переписке на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Having a pen pal is a great way to make new friends and learn about different cultures. I have a pen pal who lives in Japan, and we have been writing to each other for over a year now. We started by exchanging letters, but now we also chat online and send each other pictures.

My pen pal’s name is Yuki, and she is the same age as me. We have a lot in common, even though we live on opposite sides of the world. We both love music and movies, and we enjoy talking about our favorite bands and actors. Yuki has also taught me a lot about Japanese culture, and I have shared some things about my own culture with her.

I look forward to hearing from Yuki every week, and I always try to write back as soon as possible. It’s amazing how close you can feel to someone even if you’ve never met in person. I hope that one day I will be able to visit Japan and meet Yuki in real life.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Having a pen pal has been a wonderful experience for me. I started writing to my pen pal, Maria, when I was in high school, and we have been corresponding ever since. Maria lives in Spain, and we communicate in English, which is not her first language. Despite the language barrier, we have become great friends over the years.

At first, we exchanged letters by mail, but now we also chat online and send each other emails. Maria has told me a lot about her life in Spain, and I have shared stories about my life in the United States. We have also talked about our dreams and aspirations, and we have supported each other through difficult times.

One of the things I love about having a pen pal is learning about different cultures. Maria has taught me a lot about Spanish history, art, and cuisine. She has also shared some of her favorite Spanish recipes with me, and I have tried to cook them at home. I have also shared some American recipes with her, and she has tried to make them in her own kitchen.

Despite the distance between us, Maria and I have developed a strong bond. We have never met in person, but we have talked about the possibility of visiting each other someday. I hope that one day I will be able to travel to Spain and meet Maria in real life. Until then, I will continue to cherish our friendship and look forward to hearing from her every week.