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Вариант 1 (200 слов)

I spent my summer vacation in a very interesting way. I went to the beach with my family and we had a great time swimming, playing beach volleyball, and building sandcastles. We also went on a camping trip in the mountains where we hiked, fished, and roasted marshmallows around the campfire.

In addition to these outdoor activities, I also spent a lot of time reading books and watching movies. I read several novels and watched some classic movies that I had never seen before. I also took an online course in coding and learned some new programming skills.

Overall, I had a very enjoyable and productive summer vacation. I got to spend quality time with my family, explore the great outdoors, and learn some new things. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges of the new school year.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

This summer, I had the opportunity to do a lot of different things and I made the most of it. I started off by going on a road trip with my friends to visit some national parks in the western United States. We saw some amazing sights, including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Yosemite. We hiked, camped, and took lots of photos.

After the road trip, I spent some time with my family at the beach. We rented a house near the ocean and spent our days swimming, playing beach volleyball, and relaxing in the sun. We also went on a whale watching tour and saw some humpback whales up close.

In addition to these fun activities, I also did some volunteering at a local animal shelter. I walked dogs, cleaned cages, and helped with adoption events. It was very rewarding to see the animals find loving homes and to know that I was making a difference in their lives.

Finally, I spent some time working on my own personal projects. I started a blog where I write about my travels and share my photos. I also took an online course in photography and learned some new techniques for taking better pictures.

Overall, I had a very fulfilling and memorable summer vacation. I got to explore new places, spend time with loved ones, give back to my community, and pursue my own interests. I feel grateful for all of these experiences and look forward to what the future holds.