Сочинение как я провел новый год на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

I spent New Year’s Eve with my family at home. We had a small party with some close friends and relatives. We decorated the house with balloons, streamers, and lights. We had a delicious dinner with lots of food and drinks. We played games, danced, and sang songs. At midnight, we watched the fireworks display on TV and toasted with champagne. We hugged and wished each other a happy new year. Then, we went outside to light some sparklers and take some photos. We stayed up late, chatting and laughing, until we were too tired to continue. It was a simple but enjoyable celebration, and I felt grateful to be surrounded by my loved ones.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

This year, I had a unique New Year’s Eve experience. I traveled to a different country to celebrate with my friends. We went to London, one of the most popular destinations for New Year’s Eve celebrations. We arrived a few days before the big night and explored the city’s famous landmarks, such as the Tower Bridge, the London Eye, and the Big Ben. We also visited some museums, art galleries, and shops. We tried different types of food, from fish and chips to Indian curry. We even went ice-skating in Hyde Park, which was a lot of fun.

On New Year’s Eve, we dressed up in fancy clothes and went to a party at a club. The atmosphere was electric, with music, lights, and people from all over the world. We danced and sang along to the DJ’s tunes, and we made new friends. At midnight, we went outside to watch the fireworks display over the Thames River. It was a spectacular show, with colorful explosions and reflections on the water. We hugged and kissed each other, and we wished each other a happy new year. We also made some resolutions, such as traveling more, learning a new language, or volunteering for a charity.

After the fireworks, we went back to the club and continued the party until the early hours of the morning. We drank champagne, ate snacks, and danced some more. We even had a karaoke session, where we sang our favorite songs and laughed at each other’s attempts. When we finally left the club, we walked back to our hotel, feeling tired but happy. We slept in late the next day, and we had a lazy brunch at a nearby café. We shared our memories and photos of the night before, and we promised to stay in touch. It was a memorable and exciting way to start the new year, and I will always cherish those moments.