Сочинение кошмар на фестивале на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Last summer, I went to a music festival with my friends. We were all excited to see our favorite bands perform live. However, the festival turned out to be a nightmare. The weather was scorching hot, and there was no shade to be found. The lines for food and drinks were incredibly long, and the prices were outrageous. To make matters worse, the sound system was terrible, and we could barely hear the music. The crowd was rowdy and aggressive, and we felt unsafe. We decided to leave early and never attend that festival again. It was a disappointing and frustrating experience that we will never forget.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Last summer, I had the opportunity to attend a music festival with my friends. We had been looking forward to it for months and were excited to see our favorite bands perform live. However, what was supposed to be a fun and memorable experience turned out to be a nightmare.

The first issue we encountered was the weather. It was scorching hot, and there was no shade to be found. We were sweating profusely and felt dehydrated. The lines for water and drinks were incredibly long, and the prices were outrageous. We had to wait for hours just to get a bottle of water, which was frustrating and exhausting.

The second issue was the sound system. The music was barely audible, and we could not hear the lyrics or the instruments. We were disappointed because we had paid a lot of money to attend the festival, and we expected to have a great audio experience.

The third issue was the crowd. It was rowdy and aggressive, and we felt unsafe. People were pushing and shoving, and we saw several fights break out. We had to constantly watch our backs and make sure we were not caught in the middle of a brawl.

The fourth issue was the food. The lines were incredibly long, and the prices were outrageous. We had to wait for hours just to get a small portion of food, which was not even tasty. We were disappointed because we had expected to have a great culinary experience.

In the end, we decided to leave the festival early. We were disappointed and frustrated with the whole experience. We felt like we had wasted our time and money. We vowed never to attend that festival again and warned our friends about the terrible conditions we had encountered. It was a disappointing and frustrating experience that we will never forget.