Сочинение мое день рождения на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

My birthday is one of the most special days of the year for me. It’s a day when I get to celebrate with my family and friends and feel loved and appreciated. Usually, I start my day by opening presents and cards from my loved ones. Then, we have a big breakfast together with all my favorite foods.

In the afternoon, we usually have a small party with my closest friends. We play games, dance, and eat cake. This year, due to the pandemic, I had to celebrate my birthday differently. I had a virtual party with my friends and family, and we played games and had fun online.

In the evening, my family and I usually go out for dinner at my favorite restaurant. We have a great time together, and I feel grateful for having such wonderful people in my life. Overall, my birthday is a day filled with love, joy, and happiness, and I look forward to it every year.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

My birthday is a special day for me, and I always look forward to it. It’s a day when I get to celebrate with my family and friends and feel loved and appreciated. Usually, I start my day by opening presents and cards from my loved ones. I love the feeling of excitement and anticipation as I unwrap each gift and read each card.

After opening presents, my family and I have a big breakfast together. We usually have pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and all my favorite foods. We sit around the table, chatting and laughing, and enjoying each other’s company.

In the afternoon, we usually have a small party with my closest friends. We play games, dance, and eat cake. This year, due to the pandemic, I had to celebrate my birthday differently. I had a virtual party with my friends and family, and we played games and had fun online. Although it was different, it was still a lot of fun, and I felt grateful for the technology that allowed us to connect and celebrate together.

In the evening, my family and I usually go out for dinner at my favorite restaurant. We dress up and have a great time together, talking and laughing over delicious food. This year, we couldn’t go out to eat, so we ordered takeout from my favorite restaurant and had a fancy dinner at home. It was different, but it was still special, and I felt grateful for the effort my family put in to make my day special.

Overall, my birthday is a day filled with love, joy, and happiness. I feel grateful for the people in my life who make me feel loved and appreciated, and I look forward to celebrating with them every year. Even though this year was different, it was still a wonderful day, and I will always cherish the memories.