Сочинение мой день рождения на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

My birthday is one of the most special days of the year for me. It’s a day when I get to celebrate my life and all the people who have made it special. I usually start my day by opening presents from my family and friends. Then, I have a big breakfast with my family. We usually have pancakes, bacon, and eggs. After breakfast, I spend some time with my friends. We might go to the movies or go shopping. In the evening, my family and I have a big dinner. We usually have my favorite foods, like pizza or sushi. Finally, we have cake and ice cream. It’s always a fun day filled with love and laughter.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

My birthday is a day that I look forward to every year. It’s a day when I get to celebrate my life and all the people who have made it special. I usually start my day by opening presents from my family and friends. It’s always exciting to see what they have gotten me. Sometimes, they surprise me with something I’ve been wanting for a long time. Other times, they get me something I never would have thought of, but end up loving.

After opening presents, I have a big breakfast with my family. We usually have pancakes, bacon, and eggs. It’s a tradition that we’ve had for as long as I can remember. We sit around the table and talk about our plans for the day. Sometimes, my parents will take the day off work so we can spend the whole day together.

In the afternoon, I usually spend some time with my friends. We might go to the movies or go shopping. It’s always fun to spend time with them and catch up on what’s been going on in our lives. Sometimes, we’ll go out to eat or get ice cream.

In the evening, my family and I have a big dinner. We usually have my favorite foods, like pizza or sushi. It’s a time for us to sit down together and enjoy each other’s company. We talk about the past year and what we’re looking forward to in the coming year.

Finally, we have cake and ice cream. It’s always a fun part of the day because we get to sing “Happy Birthday” and blow out the candles. My mom usually makes my favorite cake, which is chocolate with vanilla frosting. It’s always delicious.

Overall, my birthday is a day filled with love and laughter. It’s a day when I feel grateful for all the people in my life who have made it special. I look forward to it every year and can’t wait to see what the next one will bring.