Сочинение на английском что я делала на прошлой неделе

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Last week was quite busy for me. On Monday, I had a meeting with my boss to discuss my work progress. On Tuesday, I went to the gym and had a great workout. On Wednesday, I had a dinner date with my friends at a new restaurant in town. On Thursday, I spent the day working from home and catching up on some emails. On Friday, I went to the cinema with my sister to watch a new movie. On Saturday, I volunteered at a local animal shelter and helped take care of the animals. On Sunday, I spent the day relaxing at home and reading a book. Overall, it was a productive and enjoyable week.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Last week was a busy but fulfilling week for me. On Monday, I had a meeting with my boss to discuss my work progress. We talked about my recent projects and how I could improve my performance. It was a productive meeting, and I left feeling motivated to work harder.

On Tuesday, I went to the gym and had a great workout. I’ve been trying to stay active and healthy, and going to the gym is one of my favorite ways to do that. I did some cardio and weightlifting, and I felt energized and refreshed afterwards.

On Wednesday, I had a dinner date with my friends at a new restaurant in town. We had been planning this for weeks, and it was great to finally catch up with them. The food was delicious, and we had a lot of fun chatting and laughing together.

On Thursday, I spent the day working from home and catching up on some emails. I work as a freelance writer, so I often work from home. It was a productive day, and I managed to finish a few articles that had been on my to-do list for a while.

On Friday, I went to the cinema with my sister to watch a new movie. We both love movies, and it’s always fun to go to the cinema together. The movie was great, and we both enjoyed it a lot.

On Saturday, I volunteered at a local animal shelter and helped take care of the animals. I’ve been volunteering there for a few months now, and it’s one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. I helped feed the animals, clean their cages, and play with them. It was a tiring but fulfilling day.

On Sunday, I spent the day relaxing at home and reading a book. I love reading, and it’s one of my favorite ways to unwind. I read a novel that I had been wanting to read for a while, and it was a great way to end the week.

Overall, last week was a productive and enjoyable week. I did a variety of things, from work to exercise to socializing to volunteering to relaxing. It was a good balance, and I felt happy and fulfilled at the end of it.