Сочинение на английском поход в горы

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Last summer, I went on a hiking trip to the mountains with my friends. We started early in the morning and reached the base of the mountain by noon. The climb was challenging, but the beautiful scenery kept us motivated. We saw waterfalls, streams, and wildflowers along the way. After a few hours of hiking, we reached the summit and were rewarded with a breathtaking view of the valley below. We took some pictures and rested for a while before starting our descent. The way down was easier, but we had to be careful not to slip on the rocks. We reached the base by evening and set up camp for the night. We cooked dinner over a campfire and shared stories of our adventure. It was an unforgettable experience, and I can’t wait to go on another hiking trip soon.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Last summer, I went on a hiking trip to the mountains with my friends. We had been planning the trip for weeks, and we were all excited to explore the great outdoors. We packed our backpacks with food, water, and camping gear and set off early in the morning. The drive to the base of the mountain was long, but we passed the time by singing songs and playing games.

When we reached the base, we were greeted by a ranger who gave us a map of the trail and some safety tips. We started our climb, and the first few miles were easy. We saw some wildlife, including deer and rabbits, and enjoyed the fresh mountain air. As we climbed higher, the trail became steeper, and we had to take breaks more often. But the beautiful scenery kept us motivated, and we pushed on.

After a few hours of hiking, we reached a waterfall. The water was crystal clear, and we took a refreshing dip in the pool. We also saw some wildflowers and took some pictures. We continued our climb, and soon we reached the summit. The view was breathtaking, and we could see for miles around. We took some more pictures and rested for a while before starting our descent.

The way down was easier, but we had to be careful not to slip on the rocks. We reached the base by evening and set up camp for the night. We cooked dinner over a campfire and shared stories of our adventure. We also saw some stars and listened to the sounds of the forest. It was a magical experience, and we felt grateful to be surrounded by nature.

The next day, we packed up our camp and hiked back to our car. We were tired but happy, and we knew that we had made some unforgettable memories. We drove back home, feeling refreshed and energized. The hiking trip had been a great way to escape the city and connect with nature. We all agreed that we would do it again soon.