Сочинение на тему праздник по английскому 9

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Celebrating holidays is an important part of many cultures around the world. In England, there are several holidays that are widely celebrated, such as Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. Christmas is perhaps the most popular holiday in England, and it is celebrated on December 25th. People decorate their homes with lights and ornaments, exchange gifts, and enjoy a big feast with family and friends. Easter is another important holiday, which is celebrated in the spring. People often attend church services and participate in Easter egg hunts. Halloween is also a popular holiday in England, where people dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. Overall, holidays are a great way to bring people together and celebrate traditions.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Holidays are an important part of English culture, and there are several holidays that are widely celebrated throughout the country. Perhaps the most popular holiday in England is Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25th. People decorate their homes with lights and ornaments, exchange gifts, and enjoy a big feast with family and friends. Many people attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, and there are often carol concerts and other festive events throughout the holiday season.

Another important holiday in England is Easter, which is celebrated in the spring. Easter is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many people attend church services on Easter Sunday, and there are often Easter egg hunts and other family-friendly activities. In addition to traditional Easter eggs, many people also enjoy hot cross buns, which are a sweet bread with a cross on top.

Halloween is also a popular holiday in England, although it is not as widely celebrated as Christmas or Easter. On Halloween, people often dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. Some people also decorate their homes with spooky decorations, such as jack-o’-lanterns and fake cobwebs. In recent years, Halloween has become more popular in England, and there are now many Halloween-themed events and parties throughout the country.

In addition to these major holidays, there are also several other holidays that are celebrated in England. For example, there is Guy Fawkes Night, which is celebrated on November 5th and commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. On this night, people often light bonfires and set off fireworks. There is also St. George’s Day, which is celebrated on April 23rd and honors England’s patron saint.

Overall, holidays are an important part of English culture, and they provide an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate traditions. Whether it’s Christmas, Easter, Halloween, or any other holiday, there is always something to look forward to in England.