Сочинение на тему ужасные каникулы на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Last summer, I had the worst vacation of my life. My family and I went to a beach resort in England, but it rained every day. We were stuck in our hotel room most of the time, and the TV didn’t work. The food at the hotel restaurant was terrible, and we couldn’t find any good restaurants nearby. To make matters worse, my little brother got sick and had to go to the hospital. We spent most of our vacation in the hospital waiting room. When we finally got home, I was relieved to be back in my own bed. I hope I never have another vacation like that again.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Last summer, my family and I decided to take a vacation to England. We were excited to explore a new country and spend some time relaxing on the beach. However, our vacation turned out to be a complete disaster.

First of all, the weather was terrible. It rained every day, and the wind was so strong that we couldn’t even go outside. We were stuck in our hotel room most of the time, and there was nothing to do. The TV didn’t work, and the Wi-Fi was so slow that we couldn’t even stream movies. We were bored out of our minds.

To make matters worse, the food at the hotel restaurant was terrible. We tried to find some good restaurants nearby, but everything was either closed or too expensive. We ended up eating fast food for most of our meals, which was not what we had in mind for our vacation.

But the worst part of our vacation was when my little brother got sick. He had a high fever and was vomiting, so we had to take him to the hospital. We spent most of our vacation in the hospital waiting room, worrying about his health. It was a stressful and scary experience, and it ruined our vacation even more.

When we finally got home, I was relieved to be back in my own bed. I never want to have another vacation like that again. It was a complete disaster from start to finish. I learned that sometimes things don’t go as planned, and it’s important to be prepared for the worst.