Сочинение о несчастном случае на английском

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

A few months ago, I witnessed a terrible accident that left me shaken for days. I was walking down the street when I saw a car speeding towards a pedestrian who was crossing the road. The driver didn’t seem to notice the person and hit them with full force. I immediately called for an ambulance and rushed to the victim’s aid. They were badly injured and bleeding profusely. I tried to keep them conscious and calm until the ambulance arrived. It was a traumatic experience for me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days. I realized how fragile life is and how quickly things can go wrong. I hope that the victim recovered fully and that the driver learned a valuable lesson about being more careful on the road.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

The day started like any other, but it quickly turned into a nightmare when I witnessed a terrible accident that left me traumatized for days. I was walking down the street, lost in my thoughts, when I heard a loud screeching sound. I looked up and saw a car speeding towards a pedestrian who was crossing the road. The driver didn’t seem to notice the person and hit them with full force. I froze for a moment, not knowing what to do, but then I quickly regained my senses and rushed to the victim’s aid.

The scene was chaotic and terrifying. The victim was lying on the ground, badly injured and bleeding profusely. I could see the fear and pain in their eyes, and it broke my heart. I tried to keep them conscious and calm until the ambulance arrived. I talked to them, held their hand, and reassured them that everything would be okay. But deep down, I knew that it was a lie. The injuries were severe, and the chances of survival were slim.

The ambulance arrived after what felt like an eternity. The paramedics took over, and I stepped back, feeling helpless and overwhelmed. I watched as they loaded the victim onto the stretcher and rushed them to the hospital. I stayed behind, trying to process what had just happened. It was a traumatic experience that left me shaken for days. I couldn’t stop thinking about the victim and their family, wondering if they would make it through.

The accident made me realize how fragile life is and how quickly things can go wrong. It also made me appreciate the value of human life and the importance of being careful and responsible on the road. I hope that the victim recovered fully and that the driver learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of reckless driving. I also hope that I never have to witness such a tragedy again and that everyone stays safe and vigilant on the road.