Сочинение по английскому на тему день рождения в россии

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

In Russia, birthdays are celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. It is a special day for the person whose birthday it is, and their family and friends. The celebration usually starts with a birthday cake, which is decorated with candles. The number of candles on the cake represents the age of the person. The birthday person makes a wish and blows out the candles. It is believed that if all the candles are blown out in one breath, the wish will come true.

After the cake, the birthday person receives gifts from their family and friends. The gifts are usually wrapped in colorful paper and tied with ribbons. The birthday person opens the gifts and thanks everyone for their kindness. The celebration continues with food, drinks, and music. The birthday person is the center of attention and everyone wishes them a happy birthday.

In Russia, birthdays are a time to show love and appreciation for the person whose birthday it is. It is a day filled with happiness, laughter, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

In Russia, birthdays are a significant event that is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. It is a special day for the person whose birthday it is, and their family and friends. The celebration usually starts with a birthday cake, which is decorated with candles. The number of candles on the cake represents the age of the person. The birthday person makes a wish and blows out the candles. It is believed that if all the candles are blown out in one breath, the wish will come true.

After the cake, the birthday person receives gifts from their family and friends. The gifts are usually wrapped in colorful paper and tied with ribbons. The birthday person opens the gifts and thanks everyone for their kindness. The celebration continues with food, drinks, and music. The birthday person is the center of attention and everyone wishes them a happy birthday.

In Russia, birthdays are a time to show love and appreciation for the person whose birthday it is. It is a day filled with happiness, laughter, and memories that will last a lifetime. Family and friends gather together to celebrate the occasion and make it a memorable one. The birthday person is showered with love, attention, and gifts.

In addition to the cake and gifts, there are other traditions that are followed in Russia on birthdays. For example, it is customary to give the birthday person a pinch on the earlobe for good luck. It is also believed that if the birthday person receives a gift of a watch, it will bring bad luck. Therefore, watches are not given as birthday gifts in Russia.

Another tradition is to celebrate the “name day” of the person. In Russia, each name has a designated day on the calendar, and on that day, people with that name celebrate their “name day.” It is similar to a birthday celebration, but it is not based on the person’s age. It is a way to honor the person’s name and celebrate their existence.

In conclusion, birthdays in Russia are a time of joy, celebration, and love. It is a day to show appreciation for the person whose birthday it is and to make them feel special. The traditions and customs that are followed on birthdays make the occasion even more meaningful and memorable.