Сочинение по английскому языку на тему кем я хочу стать

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

I have always been fascinated by the world of business and entrepreneurship. From a young age, I have been interested in how successful companies are built and how they operate. As I have grown older, my passion for business has only grown stronger. I am determined to become an entrepreneur and start my own successful business.

To achieve my goal, I am currently studying business administration at university. I am learning about marketing, finance, and management, among other things. I am also taking advantage of every opportunity to gain practical experience, such as internships and volunteering.

In addition to my studies, I am constantly reading books and articles about successful entrepreneurs and their businesses. I am also networking with other aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals.

I know that starting a business is not easy, but I am willing to work hard and take risks to achieve my dream. I am confident that with my passion, education, and determination, I will become a successful entrepreneur.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

As a child, I always dreamed of becoming a doctor. I was fascinated by the human body and the way it worked. I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. As I grew older, my passion for medicine only grew stronger. I am now determined to become a doctor and make a positive impact on the world.

To achieve my goal, I am currently studying biology at university. I am learning about the human body, genetics, and diseases, among other things. I am also taking advantage of every opportunity to gain practical experience, such as volunteering at a hospital and shadowing doctors.

In addition to my studies, I am constantly reading books and articles about medicine and healthcare. I am also networking with other aspiring doctors and healthcare professionals.

I know that becoming a doctor is not easy. It requires years of education and training, as well as a lot of hard work and dedication. But I am willing to put in the effort to achieve my dream. I am confident that with my passion, education, and determination, I will become a successful doctor.

I believe that being a doctor is not just about treating patients, but also about making a difference in their lives. I want to be a doctor who listens to their patients, understands their needs, and provides them with the best possible care. I want to be a doctor who is compassionate, empathetic, and dedicated to their patients.

In conclusion, I am determined to become a doctor and make a positive impact on the world. I know that it will not be easy, but I am willing to work hard and take on any challenges that come my way. I am confident that with my passion, education, and determination, I will achieve my dream and become a successful doctor.