Сочинение про вечеринку на английском языке

Вариант 1 (200 слов)

Last weekend, I attended a party at my friend’s house. It was a great experience. The party started at 8 pm, and by the time I arrived, the house was already full of people. The music was loud, and everyone was dancing and having a good time. There were drinks and snacks available, and people were mingling and chatting.

I met some new people and caught up with old friends. We played some games and danced to the music. The atmosphere was lively and fun. As the night went on, more people arrived, and the party got even better.

At around midnight, the party started to wind down, and people started to leave. I said my goodbyes and left feeling happy and energized. It was a great party, and I can’t wait for the next one.

Вариант 2(400 слов)

Last Saturday, I attended a party at my friend’s house. It was a big event, and I was excited to go. I arrived at around 8 pm, and the house was already full of people. The music was loud, and the atmosphere was lively.

I greeted my friend and started to mingle with the other guests. There were people from all walks of life, and it was interesting to meet new people. We talked about our interests, our jobs, and our hobbies. Some people were playing games, while others were dancing to the music.

The host had prepared a variety of snacks and drinks, and everyone was enjoying themselves. I tried some of the food, and it was delicious. There were chips, dips, sandwiches, and even some homemade desserts.

As the night went on, more people arrived, and the party got even better. The music got louder, and people started to dance more. I joined in and had a great time. We danced to different genres of music, from pop to hip hop to rock.

At around midnight, the party started to wind down, and people started to leave. I said my goodbyes and left feeling happy and energized. It was a great party, and I can’t wait for the next one.

In conclusion, the party was a great experience. I met new people, caught up with old friends, and had a lot of fun. The host did a great job of organizing the event, and everyone had a good time. I look forward to attending more parties like this in the future.