Сочинение за и против на английском клише

Вариант 1 (200 слов)


English idioms and cliches are an essential part of the language. They add color and character to our conversations and help us express ourselves in a more creative way. They also make it easier for us to understand each other, as we can use common phrases to convey complex ideas. Moreover, idioms and cliches are often used in literature and media, which means that knowing them can help us better understand and appreciate these forms of art. Finally, learning idioms and cliches can be a fun and engaging way to improve our language skills and expand our vocabulary.


While idioms and cliches can be useful in certain situations, they can also be overused and become tiresome. Using too many cliches can make our language sound unoriginal and uninspired, and can even make us appear lazy or uneducated. Additionally, idioms and cliches can be confusing for non-native speakers, who may not understand their meaning or context. Finally, relying too heavily on idioms and cliches can limit our ability to express ourselves in a more nuanced and complex way, which can be a disadvantage in certain situations.

Вариант 2(400 слов)


English idioms and cliches are an integral part of the language, and for good reason. They add color and character to our conversations, making them more engaging and memorable. They also help us express ourselves in a more creative way, allowing us to convey complex ideas in a concise and memorable manner. Moreover, idioms and cliches are often used in literature and media, which means that knowing them can help us better understand and appreciate these forms of art. For example, understanding the phrase “the elephant in the room” can help us better appreciate the subtle humor in a novel or movie.

Furthermore, learning idioms and cliches can be a fun and engaging way to improve our language skills and expand our vocabulary. By learning common phrases and expressions, we can better understand the nuances of the language and become more confident in our ability to communicate effectively. This can be especially helpful for non-native speakers, who may struggle with the more complex aspects of the language.

Finally, idioms and cliches can be a useful tool for building rapport and connecting with others. By using common phrases and expressions, we can establish a sense of familiarity and shared experience with our conversation partners. This can be especially helpful in business or social situations, where building relationships is key.


While idioms and cliches can be useful in certain situations, they can also be overused and become tiresome. Using too many cliches can make our language sound unoriginal and uninspired, and can even make us appear lazy or uneducated. Additionally, idioms and cliches can be confusing for non-native speakers, who may not understand their meaning or context. This can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, which can be frustrating for both parties.

Furthermore, relying too heavily on idioms and cliches can limit our ability to express ourselves in a more nuanced and complex way. This can be a disadvantage in certain situations, such as academic or professional settings, where precision and clarity are valued. In these situations, using common phrases and expressions can make us appear unprofessional or unprepared.

Finally, the overuse of idioms and cliches can be a sign of a lack of creativity or originality. By relying on common phrases and expressions, we may be missing out on the opportunity to express ourselves in a more unique and memorable way. This can be a disadvantage in personal or professional settings, where standing out and making a lasting impression is important.